Epic Rap Battles of History: Zeus vs Thor Terjemahan

Epic Rap Battles of History: Zeus vs Thor


Epic Rap Battles of History!
Zeus VS Thor
Zeus lawan Thor


How dare you challenge my immortal throne
Berani kau menantang takhta abadiku

Im the father of the Gods put your daddy on the phone
Aku ayah para dewa, telepon saja ayahmu

Maybe Odin could beg me for a truce couse when Zeus lets loose
Mungkin Odin akan mohon genjatan jikalau zeus abaikan

I'll put your cross dressing neck in a noose
Akan kubuat kau ketiban sial

I'm like Medusa
Aku bagai medusa

I stone a mother fucker if he looks at me wrong
Keliru melihatku, kubuat dia membatu

I'm a bull getting bitches with my swan schlong
Aku perkasa cari gundik dengan kelamin angsaku

I'm on point like Poseidon's trident rhymes
Aku sempurna bak sajak trisula Poseidon

Colder than the frosty balls of your giants
Lebih dingin dibanding zakar si raksasamu itu

Allow Thor to retort you shapeshitting rapist
Izinkan Thor berceletuk, dasar tukang perkosa

And get a taste of this Scandinavian greatness
Rasakan kehebatan kaum Skandinavia ini

Brought forth by my raging thunderstorm force
Bergerak maju bersama badaiku yang mengamuk

Cause I don't get nice I get Norse
Karena aku tak ramah, aku ini dewa Norse


Valhalla-atcha boy and we'll flyte it out
Sok jagoan, bualanmu kami layani

But keep your Asgard up I Ragnarok the house
Jaga kota kuilmu, akan kuratakan rumah itu

You tongue kiss your sister that's grosser than a Gorgon
Kau cium lidah adikmu, jelas-jelas lebih menjijikkan

Im the thunder down under nailing Natalie Portman
Aku penakluk wanita, enak-enak dengan Natalie Portman

Who would ever worship someone as abusive as Zeus is?
Siapa yang mau memuja orang hina serupa Zeus?

You're ruthless to humans your crew is like the clash of the douces
Kau kejam pada manusia, kru-mu bagai kumpulan para perusuh

Ruling over the Greeks a people weak and frightened
Menguasai Yunani, mereka lemah dan ketakutan

I'd spit in your face but you'd probably like it
Aku ludahi mukamu, mungkin kau suka

Only a mindless fool would knock the fathers of philosophy
Hanya si bodoh mau menghantam sang pendiri filsafat

My Greeks built the bedrock of democracy
Yunani-ku yang membangun pijakan demokrasi

With astronomy they charted out the movements of my kin
Bersama astronomi, mereka petakan kerabat planetku

All the pimps of Mount Olympus and me the king pin
Seluruh germo Gunung Olympus jadikan aku rajanya

Let this sink in
Tenggelamkan saja

I'm about to rain on your parade
Kubuat hujan atas pawaimu

Itchy trigger finger quicker with the bolts than Usain
Lebih cepat kulepas peluru mainan ini dibanding Usain

You're history
Kau tinggal sejarah

I'll be the first to put it in writing
Aku yang akan pertama tulis itu

MC Hammer just got struck twice by greased lightning
Si jago rap langsung kena dua kali sambaran petir


Rain old man?
Hujan, Pak tua?

This is hardly a drizzle
Gerimis pun ini tidak

You couldn't give the women in my homeland the sniffles
Kau saja tak mampu buat kaum wanitaku ingusan

You can keep your astronomers I'll sail with the conquerors
Kau boleh banggakan astronommu, aku bersama sang penakluk

For thousands of kilometers discovering the continents
Menjelajahi benua ribuan kilometer jauhnya

I'm alpha dog dominant you can't beat me
Aku raja segala raja, kau tak bisa kalahkan aku

I will drop you like Greece's GDP
Akan kujatuhkan kau mirip krisis Yunani

Send you deeper underground than the depths of your hades
Kukirim lebih dalam dibanding neraka saudaramu

Now make like your daddy and swallow my babies
Anggap saja aku ayahmu, berlutut, dan telan ini

You think the underworld scares the ruler of the skies?
Kau kira neraka bawah mempertakut penguasa langit?

You're joking!
Kau mimpi!

Loki must have written your lines
Pasti dewa penipu yang tulis lirikmu

By the time I'm finished whipping you with wits and rhymes
Begitu selesai kumaktub lirik sebagai cambuk untukmu

You'll need a lighter for your ship cause a viking just died
Kapalmu butuh korek karena ada viking baru saja mati

Your glory days are over the Oracle shoulda told ya
Kegemilanganmu telah usai, dengarkan ramalan itu

I'll kick your wrinkly dick back in your toga like OPA!
Kutendang titit keriputmu di balik jubah dengan hati senang!

Here take these drachma for your eyes
Ini ambil koin berkabung

When you get to River Styx
Sesampaimu di gerbang abadi

Tell your three-headed bitch I say hi
Sampaikan salamku pada banci kepala-tiga-mu

Who won who's next
You decide

Epic Rap Battles of History!

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